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So far admin has created 85 blog entries.

The Difference Between Promotional Writing and Technical Writing

We are often asked what’s the difference between promotional writing and technical writing and how does a company know which type of writing is best for them. In this article, we’ll explain the differences. Promotional writing: Promotional writing is writing to sell products and services. It creates awareness about a product, arouses curiosity in the [...]

2018-07-13T22:17:55-04:00Blogging|Comments Off on The Difference Between Promotional Writing and Technical Writing

Tips When You Have Writers Block

We often get to hear writers complain of writers block and how it is slowing them down and hurting their productivity. Writers block is not imaginary; it is as real as any other psychological condition. Most writers have it at least once at some point in their life; so you are not alone. It may [...]

2018-07-13T16:03:04-04:00Blogging|Comments Off on Tips When You Have Writers Block

What is Your Unique Selling Proposition?

One mistake that many startup businesses make is that they try to be everything to everyone. They want to be known for the highest quality and the lowest prices and the best services. But in today's highly competitive market, no business can be a Jack-of-all-trades and prosper. Customers simply won't buy their claim. Unless you [...]

2018-07-12T12:08:40-04:00Website|Comments Off on What is Your Unique Selling Proposition?

4 Ways to Monetize Your Site Immediately

Now that you’ve got your website up and running, it’s time to find effective ways to monetize it. You can actually make money from your website, and there are many sites on the internet that were created simply for generating income. Whether you want to generate a substantial income from your site or you’re just [...]

2019-07-26T02:10:40-04:00Branding, Business, Website|Comments Off on 4 Ways to Monetize Your Site Immediately

All About Landing Pages

A landing page is a standalone webpage that a visitor to a website first lands on. It is not a part of your website, but a separate standalone webpage created to guide the visitor towards an intended conversional goal. The goal may be to direct the visitor to a webpage in the main website where [...]

2018-07-11T23:18:27-04:00Website|Comments Off on All About Landing Pages
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